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Présenter votre candidature pour A PhD fellowship connected to LANDLABS - Landscape Laboratories: Design strategies for sustainable and beautiful urban landscapes in the Anthropocene

Please upload the relevant documents for your application below:

- Upload your CV under "CV"
- Upload your application under "Cover letter"
- Any additional documents should be uploaded under "Other documents"

Ensure that all required documents listed in the job advertisement are included.

1. Please outline if you have applied for a PhD fellowship at one of Landlabs partner institutions: *

  •  Leibniz University Hannover
  •  UiT The Arctic University of Norway
  •  University of Ljubljana
  •  University of Porto
  •  TU Wien
  •  I have not applied with any other partner institution
Types de fichiers acceptés: pdf, txt, rtf, docx, doc, odt, png, jpg, tiff, gif. Taille maximale du fichier: 150MB
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